Usability Score

Travel Management Software Usability Score

Deem leads in multiple categories like ease of use, administration, and adoption data.

Travel Management Software Usability Score


Learn how Etta ranks in multiple categories like ease of use, administration, and adoption data.

Travel Management Relationship Score

Deem scored 9.59 on the G2 Travel Management Relationship index, leading in ease of doing business, high quality support, and other factors.

Relationship Score

Travel Management Relationship Score


Deem scored 9.59 on the G2 Travel Management Relationship index, leading in ease of doing business, high quality support, and other factors.

Customer Reviews

Sofia D
Sofia D
Business Consultant Enterprise
(>1000 emp.)
“A gem in the field of travel management and expense control.”
Nancy C
Nancy C
Administrative Assistant Enterprise
(>1000 emp.)
“Better travel decisions are made with [Deem]. Save time and even money.”
Mohammed F
Mohammed F
Security Engineer Small-Business
(50 or fewer emp.)
“The app allows you to seamlessly plan your trips and book flight tickets.”
Lily O
Lily O
Human Resources Administrative Assistant Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“All in one place for travel management. One of the most complete and secure tools.”
Tarah F
Tarah F
Digital Marketing Coordinator Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“Faster, safer, and more convenient for travelers and managers.”
Stella H
Stella H
Customer Engagement Marketing (Specialist) Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“Thanks to Deem, my most essential trips (training and visits to major customers) always go excellent.

Customer Reviews

Sofia D
Sofia D
Business Consultant Enterprise
(>1000 emp.)
“A gem in the field of travel management and expense control.”
Nancy C
Nancy C
Administrative Assistant Enterprise
(>1000 emp.)
“Better travel decisions are made with Etta. Save time and even money.”
Mohammed F
Mohammed F
Security Engineer Small-Business
(50 or fewer emp.)
“The app allows you to seamlessly plan your trips and book flight tickets.”
Lily O
Lily O
Human Resources Administrative Assistant Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“All in one place for travel management. One of the most complete and secure tools.”
Tarah F
Tarah F
Digital Marketing Coordinator Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“Faster, safer, and more convenient for travelers and managers.”
Stella H
Stella H
Customer Engagement Marketing (Specialist) Enterprise
(> 1000 emp.)
“Thanks to Deem, my most essential trips (training and visits to major customers) always go excellent.