GBTA Survey: The Dawn of the Employee-Centric Travel Program?
GBTA Survey: The Dawn of the Employee-Centric Travel Program?
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As corporate travel adapts to a changing landscape, it’s up to travel managers to build robust travel programs that serve the needs of their companies and their business travelers. But did you know that only 46% of travel managers measure traveler satisfaction? In fact, 37% of travel managers aren’t sure if their programs are adequate for their employees.
What if there was a way to change that? You’d be able to build a travel program where everyone is on the same page.
In this free GBTA study, business travelers and corporate travel managers answer the same survey to see how corporate travel needs are being met.
Download today to discover:
- The biggest pain points travel managers face
- The top features business travelers are looking for
- How accessibility, sustainability, and more are prioritized
As corporate travel adapts to a changing landscape, it’s up to travel managers to build robust travel programs that serve the needs of their companies and their business travelers. But did you know that only 46% of travel managers measure traveler satisfaction? In fact, 37% of travel managers aren’t sure if their programs are adequate for their employees.
What if there was a way to change that? You’d be able to build a travel program where everyone is on the same page.
In this free GBTA study, business travelers and corporate travel managers answer the same survey to see how corporate travel needs are being met.
Download today to discover:
- The biggest pain points travel managers face
- The top features business travelers are looking for
- How accessibility, sustainability, and more are prioritized
GBTA Survey: The Dawn of the Employee-Centric Travel Program?
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